Four Peaks Kiltlifter Clone #110
Dette er min versjon av Kiltlifter lagret på eikefat og tilsatt litt bourbon(hadde ikke whisky).
Den ligger nå lagret på eikefatene som jeg kjøpte på Bryggselv. Det ene fatet lekker av og til, så det lukter godt på bryggeloftet - men det er ikke særlig gøy at det lekker.
Satser på å flaske etter ca 2 mnd på fat
Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 60,00 l
Boil Size: 69,58 l
Boil Time: 60 min
End of Boil Vol: 64,58 l
Final Bottling Vol: 59,00 l
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Batch Size: 60,00 l
Boil Size: 69,58 l
Boil Time: 60 min
End of Boil Vol: 64,58 l
Final Bottling Vol: 59,00 l
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Date: 05 Dec 2017
Brewer: Nils Svanes
Asst Brewer:
Equipment: Braumeister 50L
Efficiency: 78,00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 80,6 %
Taste Rating: 30,0
Brewer: Nils Svanes
Asst Brewer:
Equipment: Braumeister 50L
Efficiency: 78,00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 80,6 %
Taste Rating: 30,0
Taste Notes:
Amt | Name | Type | # | %/IBU |
13,21 g | Calcium Chloride (Mash 60,0 mins) | Water Agent | 1 | - |
12,50 kg | Pale Malt, Maris Otter (5,9 EBC) | Grain | 2 | 73,1 % |
1,00 kg | Caramel/Crystal Malt -120L (236,4 EBC) | Grain | 3 | 5,8 % |
0,30 kg | Cara-Pils/Dextrine (3,9 EBC) | Grain | 4 | 1,8 % |
0,20 kg | Roasted Barley (591,0 EBC) | Grain | 5 | 1,2 % |
0,10 kg | Peat Smoked Malt (5,5 EBC) | Grain | 6 | 0,6 % |
2,00 kg | Dememera Sugar (3,9 EBC) | Sugar | 7 | 11,7 % |
1,00 kg | Candi Sugar, Amber (147,8 EBC) | Sugar | 8 | 5,8 % |
50,00 g | Goldings, East Kent [6,40 %] - Boil 60,0 min | Hop | 9 | 11,2 IBUs |
2,64 Items | Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15,0 mins) | Fining | 10 | - |
5,00 g | Natron (Boil 0,0 mins) | Spice | 11 | - |
2,0 pkg | Nottingham (Danstar #-) [23,66 ml] | Yeast | 12 | - |
1,00 g | BREWERS CLAREX (Primary 0,0 mins) | Fining | 13 | - |
2,00 Items | Yeast Nutrient (Primary 0,0 days) | Other | 14 | - |
Gravity, Alcohol Content and Color
Est Original Gravity: 18,039 Plato
Est Final Gravity: 2,113 Plato
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 8,8 %
Bitterness: 11,2 IBUs
Est Color: 36,9 EBC
Est Final Gravity: 2,113 Plato
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 8,8 %
Bitterness: 11,2 IBUs
Est Color: 36,9 EBC
Measured Original Gravity: 20,500 Plato
Measured Final Gravity: 4,000 Plato
Actual Alcohol by Vol: 9,3 %
Calories: 833,4 kcal/l
Measured Final Gravity: 4,000 Plato
Actual Alcohol by Vol: 9,3 %
Calories: 833,4 kcal/l
Mash Profile
Mash Name: Speidel automagisk mesketrinn
Sparge Water: 83,70 l
Sparge Temperature: 78,0 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: TRUE
Est Mash PH: 5,52
Measured Mash PH: 5,20
Sparge Water: 83,70 l
Sparge Temperature: 78,0 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: TRUE
Est Mash PH: 5,52
Measured Mash PH: 5,20
Total Grain Weight: 17,10 kg
Grain Temperature: 22,2 C
Tun Temperature: 22,2 C
Target Mash PH: 5,20
Mash Acid Addition:
Sparge Acid Addition:
Grain Temperature: 22,2 C
Tun Temperature: 22,2 C
Target Mash PH: 5,20
Mash Acid Addition:
Sparge Acid Addition:
Name | Description | Step Temperature | Step Time |
1 | Add 0,50 l of water and heat to 66,0 C over 0 min | 66,0 C | 80 min |
2 | Heat to 72,0 C over 0 min | 72,0 C | 10 min |
3 | Heat to 78,0 C over 0 min | 78,0 C | 10 min |
Sparge: Fly sparge with 83,70 l water at 78,0 C
Mash Notes:
Carbonation and Storage
Carbonation Type: Bottle
Pressure/Weight: 275,99 g
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 21,1 C
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Pressure/Weight: 275,99 g
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 21,1 C
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Volumes of CO2: 2,0
Carbonation Est: Bottle with 275,99 g Corn Sugar
Carbonation (from Meas Vol): Bottle with 243,24 g Corn Sugar
Age for: 30,00 days
Storage Temperature: 18,3 C
Carbonation Est: Bottle with 275,99 g Corn Sugar
Carbonation (from Meas Vol): Bottle with 243,24 g Corn Sugar
Age for: 30,00 days
Storage Temperature: 18,3 C
Lagres på eikefat i 2 månedermesking gikk veldig bra, målte 16,5P og fikk ut 53 liter
hadde kandis og sukker rett i bøttene, så dette gir ekstra
tappet på eikefat 020118 målte øl til 1032 i begge bøttene - satser på litt ekstra gjæring på fatene
Jeg måtte tilsette ett par liter vann på hvert fat for å fylle dem opp
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