Chaga stout #87
Brygget 29. mars 2016

Batch Size: 51,00 l
Boil Size: 61,67 l
Boil Time: 90 min
End of Boil Vol: 54,17 l
Final Bottling Vol: 50,00 l
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Date: 29 Mar 2016
Brewer: Nils Svanes
Asst Brewer:
Equipment: Braumeister 50L
Efficiency: 74,00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 75,5 %
Taste Rating: 30,0
Brewer: Nils Svanes
Asst Brewer:
Equipment: Braumeister 50L
Efficiency: 74,00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 75,5 %
Taste Rating: 30,0

første dunk flasket 1. mai
andre dunk flasket 2. mai
brukte 3 g sukker pr liter, alt flasket på 0,33 og 0,25 l flasker
1. september 2016 - denne er det bra mye bobler i, den har utviklet seg til å være nokså skarp i kantene. Skal få stå og bli mer avrundet.
mulig jeg må bruke mer krystallmalt hvis jeg lager den på nytt for å få mer restsødme
Amt | Name | Type | # | %/IBU |
13,00 kg | Pale Malt, Maris Otter (Thomas Fawcett) (5,9 EBC) | Grain | 1 | 56,4 % |
2,00 kg | Caramel/Crystal Malt -120L (236,4 EBC) | Grain | 2 | 8,7 % |
2,00 kg | Munich Malt (15,0 EBC) | Grain | 3 | 8,7 % |
2,00 kg | Oats, Flaked (2,0 EBC) | Grain | 4 | 8,7 % |
2,00 kg | Wheat Malt, Bel (3,9 EBC) | Grain | 5 | 8,7 % |
0,70 kg | Black Barley (Stout) (985,0 EBC) | Grain | 6 | 3,0 % |
0,70 kg | Chocolate Malt (886,5 EBC) | Grain | 7 | 3,0 % |
0,65 kg | Roasted Barley (591,0 EBC) | Grain | 8 | 2,8 % |
117,38 g | Victoria [15,70 %] - Boil 60,0 min | Hop | 9 | 65,0 IBUs |
100,00 g | Chaga (Boil 30,0 mins) | Spice | 10 | - |
0,67 tsp | Irish Moss (Boil 10,0 mins) | Fining | 11 | - |
140,85 g | Goldings, East Kent [6,40 %] - Boil 5,0 min | Hop | 12 | 6,3 IBUs |
117,38 g | Fuggles [4,50 %] - Boil 1,0 min | Hop | 13 | 0,8 IBUs |
2,0 pkg | Nottingham (Danstar #-) [23,66 ml] | Yeast | 14 | - |
1,04 g | BREWERS CLAREX (Primary 0,0 mins) | Fining | 15 | - |
2,08 Items | Yeast Nutrient (Primary 0,0 days) | Other | 16 | - |
Gravity, Alcohol Content and Color
Est Original Gravity: 23,886 Plato
Est Final Gravity: 5,568 Plato
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 10,6 %
Bitterness: 72,2 IBUs
Est Color: 106,0 EBC
Est Final Gravity: 5,568 Plato
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 10,6 %
Bitterness: 72,2 IBUs
Est Color: 106,0 EBC
Measured Original Gravity: 20,000 Plato
Measured Final Gravity: 6,000 Plato
Actual Alcohol by Vol: 8,0 %
Calories: 820,5 kcal/l
Measured Final Gravity: 6,000 Plato
Actual Alcohol by Vol: 8,0 %
Calories: 820,5 kcal/l
Mash Profile
Mash Name: Single Infusion, Light Body, No Mash Out
Sparge Water: 14,75 l
Sparge Temperature: 75,6 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: TRUE
Est Mash PH: 5,39
Measured Mash PH: 5,20
Sparge Water: 14,75 l
Sparge Temperature: 75,6 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: TRUE
Est Mash PH: 5,39
Measured Mash PH: 5,20
Total Grain Weight: 23,05 kg
Grain Temperature: 22,2 C
Tun Temperature: 22,2 C
Target Mash PH: 5,20
Mash Acid Addition:
Sparge Acid Addition:
Grain Temperature: 22,2 C
Tun Temperature: 22,2 C
Target Mash PH: 5,20
Mash Acid Addition:
Sparge Acid Addition:
Name | Description | Step Temperature | Step Time |
Mash In | Add 55,50 l of water and heat to 66,0 C over 2 min | 66,0 C | 60 min |
Mash Step | Add 5,00 l of water at 66,0 C | 66,0 C | 75 min |
Mash Step | Add 10,00 l of water and heat to 73,0 C over 4 min | 73,0 C | 30 min |
Mash Step | Add -0,00 l of water and heat to 78,0 C over 4 min | 78,0 C | 15 min |
Sparge: Fly sparge with 14,75 l water at 75,6 C
Mash Notes: Simple single infusion mash for use with most modern well modified grains (about 95% of the time).
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Chaga vokser først og fremst på bjørkestammer, jeg fant chaga på Hovden |
Carbonation and Storage
Carbonation Type: Bottle
Pressure/Weight: 193,75 g
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 21,1 C
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Pressure/Weight: 193,75 g
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 21,1 C
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Volumes of CO2: 1,8
Carbonation Used: Bottle with 193,75 g Corn Sugar
Age for: 30,00 days
Storage Temperature: 18,3 C
Carbonation Used: Bottle with 193,75 g Corn Sugar
Age for: 30,00 days
Storage Temperature: 18,3 C
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