
tirsdag 6. september 2016

IPA Citra & Lemongrass #90

Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 51,00 l
Boil Size: 59,17 l
Boil Time: 60 min

End of Boil Vol: 54,17 l
Final Bottling Vol: 50,00 l
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Date: 22 Aug 2016
Brewer: Nils Svanes
Asst Brewer:
Equipment: Braumeister 50L
Efficiency: 74,00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 75,5 %
Taste Rating: 30,0
Taste Notes:
Flasket 1. og 5. september - lukter god citrahumle og smaker allerede bra.
Amt Name Type # %/IBU
13,74 gCalcium Chloride (Mash 60,0 mins)Water Agent1-
10,50 kgPale Malt, Maris Otter (5,9 EBC)Grain276,1 %
1,50 kgCaramel/Crystal Malt -120L (236,4 EBC)Grain310,9 %
0,30 kgMelanoiden Malt (39,4 EBC)Grain42,2 %
1,00 kgSoft Candi Sugar, Brun Léger (Light) (12,8 EBC)Dry Extract57,2 %
0,50 kgLight Dry Extract (15,8 EBC)Dry Extract63,6 %
70,00 gCitra [14,00 %] - Boil 60,0 minHop744,3 IBUs
2,69 ItemsWhirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15,0 mins)Fining8-
25,00 gCitra [14,00 %] - Boil 15,0 minHop97,9 IBUs
25,00 gCitra [14,00 %] - Boil 5,0 minHop103,2 IBUs
100,00 gLemon Grass (Boil 1,0 mins)Flavor11-
2,0 pkgslurry Abbay Belgian ale yeast (Danstar Lallemand #)Yeast12-
1,04 gBREWERS CLAREX (Primary 0,0 mins)Fining13-
2,08 ItemsYeast Nutrient (Primary 0,0 days)Other14-
50,00 gCitra [14,00 %] - Dry Hop 0,0 DaysHop150,0 IBUs

Gravity, Alcohol Content and Color

Est Original Gravity: 16,048 Plato
Est Final Gravity: 4,145 Plato
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 6,6 %
Bitterness: 55,3 IBUs
Est Color: 34,7 EBC
Measured Original Gravity: 15,000 Plato
Measured Final Gravity: 2,500 Plato
Actual Alcohol by Vol: 6,8 %
Calories: 576,9 kcal/l

Mash Profile

Mash Name: Single Infusion, Light Body, No Mash Out
Sparge Water: 39,41 l
Sparge Temperature: 75,6 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: FALSE
Est Mash PH: 5,43
Measured Mash PH: 5,20
Total Grain Weight: 13,80 kg
Grain Temperature: 22,2 C
Tun Temperature: 22,2 C
Target Mash PH: 5,20
Mash Acid Addition:
Sparge Acid Addition:
Mash Steps
Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
Mash InAdd 32,58 l of water at 72,3 C66,0 C75 min

Sparge: Fly sparge with 39,41 l water at 75,6 C
Mash Notes: Simple single infusion mash for use with most modern well modified grains (about 95% of the time).

Carbonation and Storage

Carbonation Type: Bottle
Pressure/Weight: 294,10 g
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 21,1 C
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Volumes of CO2: 2,3
Carbonation Used: Bottle with 294,10 g Corn Sugar
Age for: 30,00 days
Storage Temperature: 18,3 C


Tilsatta 2 kg med candissukker da jeg ikke hadde spraymalt i huset.

fikk lavt utbytte før koking 10 P, tror ikke kverna var riktig justert - shait

Humlesus #89

Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 40,00 l
Boil Size: 47,92 l
Boil Time: 50 min
End of Boil Vol: 43,75 l
Final Bottling Vol: 39,00 l
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Date: 15 Aug 2016
Brewer: Nils Svanes
Asst Brewer:
Equipment: Braumeister 50L
Efficiency: 78,00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 81,9 %
Taste Rating: 30,0
Manuell mesking 66 grader i 70 minutter, 73 grader i 6 minutter, 78 grader i 10 minutter.
Koker 45 minutter med amarillohumle i og tilsatte 100 g cascade 2 minutter før kokestopp
Hadde 22 liter i en dunk og 19 i den andre, tilsatte en rehydrert pakke nottinghamgjær i hver dunk + gjærnæring og glutenspiseenzymer
Gjæret heftig neste dag, avtok kjapt. Hadde i tørrhumle dag 4
Første dunk m 22 liter satt i kjøleskap etter ei uke - tanket på fat 24. august og karbonert med 2 bar i 5 risteminutter
tilsatte 120 g maltodextrin da den kjentes litt tørr ut under fating
Amt Name Type # %/IBU
10,57 gCalcium Chloride (Mash 60,0 mins)Water Agent1-
3,00 kgCara-Pils/Dextrine (3,9 EBC)Grain260,0 %
1,00 kgCaramel/Crystal Malt -120L (236,4 EBC)Grain320,0 %
0,85 kgPale Malt (2 Row) US (3,9 EBC)Grain417,0 %
0,15 kgVienna Malt (6,9 EBC)Grain53,0 %
20,00 gAmarillo [8,20 %] - Boil 45,0 minHop611,4 IBUs
100,00 gCascade [5,50 %] - Boil 2,0 minHop73,5 IBUs
1,0 pkgNottingham (Danstar #-) [23,66 ml]Yeast8-
0,80 gBREWERS CLAREX (Primary 0,0 mins)Fining9-
1,60 ItemsYeast Nutrient (Primary 0,0 days)Other10-
100,00 gCascade [5,50 %] - Dry Hop 2,0 DaysHop110,0 IBUs

Gravity, Alcohol Content and Color

Est Original Gravity: 6,923 Plato
Est Final Gravity: 1,687 Plato
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 2,7 %
Bitterness: 15,0 IBUs
Est Color: 27,1 EBC
Measured Original Gravity: 5,400 Plato
Measured Final Gravity: 2,500 Plato
Actual Alcohol by Vol: 1,5 %
Calories: 197,5 kcal/l

Mash Profile

Mash Name: Single Infusion, Light Body, No Mash Out
Sparge Water: 3,42 l
Sparge Temperature: 75,6 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: TRUE
Est Mash PH: 5,32
Measured Mash PH: 5,20
Total Grain Weight: 5,00 kg
Grain Temperature: 22,2 C
Tun Temperature: 22,2 C
Target Mash PH: 5,20
Mash Acid Addition:
Sparge Acid Addition:
Mash Steps
Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
InnmeskAdd 50,00 l of water and heat to 63,0 C over 0 min63,0 C0 min
Mesketrinn 1Add -0,00 l of water and heat to 67,0 C over 0 min67,0 C50 min
Mesketrinn 2Heat to 78,0 C over 15 min78,0 C15 min

Sparge: Fly sparge with 3,42 l water at 75,6 C
Mash Notes: Simple single infusion mash for use with most modern well modified grains (about 95% of the time).

Carbonation and Storage

Carbonation Type: Keg
Pressure/Weight: 44,76 KPA
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 0,2 C
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Volumes of CO2: 2,3
Carbonation Used: Keg with 44,76 KPA
Age for: 30,00 days
Storage Temperature: 18,3 C 

Lucky Jack #88

Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 51,00 l
Boil Size: 59,17 l
Boil Time: 60 min
End of Boil Vol: 54,17 l
Final Bottling Vol: 50,00 l
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Date: 01 Apr 2016
Brewer: Nils Svanes
Asst Brewer:
Equipment: Braumeister 50L
Efficiency: 74,00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 75,5 %
Taste Rating: 30,0
Taste Notes:
Lucky Jack fritt kopiert etter Lervik er alltid en slager. God humleprofil og frisk i smaken
Amt Name Type # %/IBU
19,07 gCalcium Chloride (Mash 60,0 mins)Water Agent1-
11,00 kgPilsner (2 Row) Ger (2,8 EBC)Grain290,2 %
0,60 kgCara-Pils/Dextrine (3,9 EBC)Grain34,9 %
0,40 kgPale chrystal (75,0 EBC)Grain43,3 %
0,20 kgCaramel/Crystal Malt -120L (236,4 EBC)Grain51,6 %
10,00 gCitra [14,00 %] - Boil 60,0 minHop66,9 IBUs
2,08 gProtafloc granules (Boil 15,0 mins)Fining7-
50,00 gAmarillo [8,90 %] - Boil 15,0 minHop810,9 IBUs
50,00 gChinook [11,60 %] - Boil 5,0 minHop95,7 IBUs
50,00 gCitra [14,00 %] - Boil 5,0 minHop106,9 IBUs
2,0 pkgDanstar Belle Saison SlurryYeast11-
1,04 gBREWERS CLAREX (Primary 0,0 mins)Fining12-
2,08 ItemsYeast Nutrient (Primary 0,0 days)Other13-
50,00 gCitra [14,00 %] - Dry Hop 4,0 DaysHop140,0 IBUs

Gravity, Alcohol Content and Color

Est Original Gravity: 13,388 Plato
Est Final Gravity: 3,431 Plato
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 5,4 %
Bitterness: 30,5 IBUs
Est Color: 13,3 EBC
Measured Original Gravity: 12,000 Plato
Measured Final Gravity: 25,000 Plato
Actual Alcohol by Vol: -7,6 %
Calories: 1178,5 kcal/l

Mash Profile

Mash Name: Temperature Mash, 2 Step, Full Body
Sparge Water: 16,39 l
Sparge Temperature: 75,6 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: FALSE
Est Mash PH: 5,68
Measured Mash PH: 5,20
Total Grain Weight: 12,20 kg
Grain Temperature: 22,2 C
Tun Temperature: 22,2 C
Target Mash PH: 5,20
Mash Acid Addition:
Sparge Acid Addition:
Mash Steps
Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
Mash StepAdd 55,50 l of water and heat to 66,0 C over 0 min66,0 C90 min
sisteAdd 0,00 l of water and heat to 78,0 C over 10 min78,0 C15 min

Sparge: Fly sparge with 16,39 l water at 75,6 C
Mash Notes: Two step profile with a protein rest for mashes with unmodified grains or adjuncts. Temperature mash for use when mashing in a brew pot over a heat source such as the stove. Use heat to maintain desired temperature during the mash.

Carbonation and Storage

Carbonation Type: Bottle
Pressure/Weight: 294,10 g
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 21,1 C
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Volumes of CO2: 2,3
Carbonation Used: Bottle with 294,10 g Corn Sugar
Age for: 30,00 days
Storage Temperature: 18,3 C


Blupping startet kvelden etter

Chaga stout #87

Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 51,00 l
Boil Size: 61,67 l
Boil Time: 90 min
End of Boil Vol: 54,17 l
Final Bottling Vol: 50,00 l
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Date: 29 Mar 2016
Brewer: Nils Svanes
Asst Brewer:
Equipment: Braumeister 50L
Efficiency: 74,00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 75,5 %
Taste Rating: 30,0
Taste Notes: smaker utrolig godt allerede v flasking
første dunk flasket 1. mai
andre dunk flasket 2. mai
brukte 3 g sukker pr liter, alt flasket på 0,33 og 0,25 l flasker
1. september 2016 - denne er det bra mye bobler i, den har utviklet seg til å være nokså skarp i kantene. Skal få stå og bli mer avrundet.
mulig jeg må bruke mer krystallmalt hvis jeg lager den på nytt for å få mer restsødme
Amt Name Type # %/IBU
13,00 kgPale Malt, Maris Otter (Thomas Fawcett) (5,9 EBC)Grain156,4 %
2,00 kgCaramel/Crystal Malt -120L (236,4 EBC)Grain28,7 %
2,00 kgMunich Malt (15,0 EBC)Grain38,7 %
2,00 kgOats, Flaked (2,0 EBC)Grain48,7 %
2,00 kgWheat Malt, Bel (3,9 EBC)Grain58,7 %
0,70 kgBlack Barley (Stout) (985,0 EBC)Grain63,0 %
0,70 kgChocolate Malt (886,5 EBC)Grain73,0 %
0,65 kgRoasted Barley (591,0 EBC)Grain82,8 %
117,38 gVictoria [15,70 %] - Boil 60,0 minHop965,0 IBUs
100,00 gChaga (Boil 30,0 mins)Spice10-
0,67 tspIrish Moss (Boil 10,0 mins)Fining11-
140,85 gGoldings, East Kent [6,40 %] - Boil 5,0 minHop126,3 IBUs
117,38 gFuggles [4,50 %] - Boil 1,0 minHop130,8 IBUs
2,0 pkgNottingham (Danstar #-) [23,66 ml]Yeast14-
1,04 gBREWERS CLAREX (Primary 0,0 mins)Fining15-
2,08 ItemsYeast Nutrient (Primary 0,0 days)Other16-

Gravity, Alcohol Content and Color

Est Original Gravity: 23,886 Plato
Est Final Gravity: 5,568 Plato
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 10,6 %
Bitterness: 72,2 IBUs
Est Color: 106,0 EBC
Measured Original Gravity: 20,000 Plato
Measured Final Gravity: 6,000 Plato
Actual Alcohol by Vol: 8,0 %
Calories: 820,5 kcal/l

Mash Profile

Mash Name: Single Infusion, Light Body, No Mash Out
Sparge Water: 14,75 l
Sparge Temperature: 75,6 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: TRUE
Est Mash PH: 5,39
Measured Mash PH: 5,20
Total Grain Weight: 23,05 kg
Grain Temperature: 22,2 C
Tun Temperature: 22,2 C
Target Mash PH: 5,20
Mash Acid Addition:
Sparge Acid Addition:
Mash Steps
Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
Mash InAdd 55,50 l of water and heat to 66,0 C over 2 min66,0 C60 min
Mash StepAdd 5,00 l of water at 66,0 C66,0 C75 min
Mash StepAdd 10,00 l of water and heat to 73,0 C over 4 min73,0 C30 min
Mash StepAdd -0,00 l of water and heat to 78,0 C over 4 min78,0 C15 min

Sparge: Fly sparge with 14,75 l water at 75,6 C
Mash Notes: Simple single infusion mash for use with most modern well modified grains (about 95% of the time).
Chaga vokser først og fremst på bjørkestammer,
jeg fant chaga på Hovden

Carbonation and Storage

Carbonation Type: Bottle
Pressure/Weight: 193,75 g
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 21,1 C
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Volumes of CO2: 1,8
Carbonation Used: Bottle with 193,75 g Corn Sugar
Age for: 30,00 days
Storage Temperature: 18,3 C


Dobbelmesk på 66 grader
skyll med 6 liter vann på første
skyll med 10 liter vann på andre
tilsatte kandissukker til ønsket Plato på slutten 

IPA Citra & Lemongrass # 86

Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 51,00 l
Boil Size: 59,17 l
Boil Time: 60 min
End of Boil Vol: 54,17 l
Final Bottling Vol: 50,00 l
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Date: 21 Feb 2016
Brewer: Nils Svanes
Asst Brewer:
Equipment: Braumeister 50L
Efficiency: 74,00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 75,5 %
Taste Rating: 30,0
Taste Notes: Denne ble så himmla god at jeg må lage den på nytt snart
Har fått mye skryt av denne :-)
Amt Name Type # %/IBU
13,74 gCalcium Chloride (Mash 60,0 mins)Water Agent1-
10,50 kgPale Malt, Maris Otter (5,9 EBC)Grain276,1 %
1,50 kgCaramel/Crystal Malt -120L (236,4 EBC)Grain310,9 %
0,30 kgMelanoiden Malt (39,4 EBC)Grain42,2 %
1,00 kgSoft Candi Sugar, Brun Léger (Light) (12,8 EBC)Dry Extract57,2 %
0,50 kgLight Dry Extract (15,8 EBC)Dry Extract63,6 %
70,00 gCitra [14,00 %] - Boil 60,0 minHop744,3 IBUs
2,69 ItemsWhirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15,0 mins)Fining8-
25,00 gCitra [14,00 %] - Boil 15,0 minHop97,9 IBUs
25,00 gCitra [14,00 %] - Boil 5,0 minHop103,2 IBUs
100,00 gLemon Grass (Boil 1,0 mins)Flavor11-
2,0 pkgslurry Abbay Belgian ale yeast (Danstar Lallemand #)Yeast12-
1,04 gBREWERS CLAREX (Primary 0,0 mins)Fining13-
2,08 ItemsYeast Nutrient (Primary 0,0 days)Other14-
50,00 gCitra [14,00 %] - Dry Hop 0,0 DaysHop150,0 IBUs

Gravity, Alcohol Content and Color

Est Original Gravity: 16,048 Plato
Est Final Gravity: 4,145 Plato
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 6,6 %
Bitterness: 55,3 IBUs
Est Color: 34,7 EBC
Measured Original Gravity: 16,000 Plato
Measured Final Gravity: 4,000 Plato
Actual Alcohol by Vol: 6,6 %
Calories: 628,3 kcal/l

Mash Profile

Mash Name: Single Infusion, Light Body, No Mash Out
Sparge Water: 39,41 l
Sparge Temperature: 75,6 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: FALSE
Est Mash PH: 5,43
Measured Mash PH: 5,20
Total Grain Weight: 13,80 kg
Grain Temperature: 22,2 C
Tun Temperature: 22,2 C
Target Mash PH: 5,20
Mash Acid Addition:
Sparge Acid Addition:
Mash Steps
Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
Mash InAdd 32,58 l of water at 72,3 C66,0 C75 min

Sparge: Fly sparge with 39,41 l water at 75,6 C
Mash Notes: Simple single infusion mash for use with most modern well modified grains (about 95% of the time).

Carbonation and Storage

Carbonation Type: Bottle
Pressure/Weight: 294,10 g
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 21,1 C
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Volumes of CO2: 2,3
Carbonation Used: Bottle with 294,10 g Corn Sugar
Age for: 30,00 days
Storage Temperature: 18,3 C


avlest 13 Plato ved kokestart
tilsatte 500 g lys spraymalt og 1 kg kandissukker fra butikk
siste humle ble tilsatt v flameout sammen med saft fra sitrongress

OG 16 P 52 liter
tilsatte slurry fra Abbay gjæren som ble brukt til tripel

morgen 23.02.16 full gjæring i bøttene

020316 flasket bøtte nr 1
030316 flasket bøtte nr 2

Belgisk tripel #85

Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 51,00 l
Boil Size: 59,17 l
Boil Time: 60 min
End of Boil Vol: 54,17 l
Final Bottling Vol: 50,00 l
Fermentation: Ale, Single Stage
Date: 04 Feb 2016
Brewer: Nils Svanes
Asst Brewer:
Equipment: Braumeister 50L
Efficiency: 74,00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 75,5 %
Taste Rating: 30,0
Taste Notes: Etter ett halvt år på flaske, så er smakenavrundet og ikke så verst
Smak av kandis kommer godt fram og humla er passe.
Jeg laget en spesialversjon hvor jeg tappet over 10 liter på en egen glassdunk og tilsatte en halv kilo mørk kandissukker. Denne ble sterk og god - men smaker for mye sprit.
Amt Name Type # %/IBU
17,00 kgPale Malt, Maris Otter (5,9 EBC)Grain183,3 %
1,20 kgAmber Malt (43,3 EBC)Grain25,9 %
1,20 kgCaramel/Crystal Malt -120L (236,4 EBC)Grain35,9 %
1,00 kgDemerara Sugar (3,9 EBC)Sugar44,9 %
60,00 gColumbus (Tomahawk) [14,30 %] - Boil 60,0 minHop530,8 IBUs
2,69 ItemsWhirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15,0 mins)Fining6-
30,00 gWarrior [15,20 %] - Boil 15,0 minHop78,1 IBUs
34,00 gSaaz [4,00 %] - Boil 10,0 minHop81,8 IBUs
2,0 pkgAbbay Belgian ale yeast (Danstar Lallemand #)Yeast9-
2,75 tspYeast Nutrient (Primary 3,0 days)Other10-
2,69 gBrewers clarex (Primary 0,0 mins)Spice11-

Gravity, Alcohol Content and Color

Est Original Gravity: 22,573 Plato
Est Final Gravity: 5,058 Plato
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 10,1 %
Bitterness: 40,6 IBUs
Est Color: 34,2 EBC
Measured Original Gravity: 17,000 Plato
Measured Final Gravity: 3,000 Plato
Actual Alcohol by Vol: 7,7 %
Calories: 667,0 kcal/l

Mash Profile

Mash Name: Mitt oppsett, Full Body
Sparge Water: -36,87 l
Sparge Temperature: 66,0 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: FALSE
Est Mash PH: 5,53
Measured Mash PH: 5,20
Total Grain Weight: 20,40 kg
Grain Temperature: 22,2 C
Tun Temperature: 22,2 C
Target Mash PH: 5,20
Mash Acid Addition:
Sparge Acid Addition:
Mash Steps
Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
Steg 1Add 86,03 l of water at 69,8 C66,0 C45 min
Steg 2Add 0,00 l of water at 78,0 C78,0 C10 min
utvaskingAdd 29,93 l of water at 86,2 C80,0 C3 min

Sparge: Fly sparge with -36,87 l water at 66,0 C
Mash Notes: Kontinuerlig sirkulasjon av vørter. På slutten heves temp til 78 grader for å stoppe enzymaktiviteten og det hele vaskes ut med vann over 85 grader - 15 liter

Carbonation and Storage

Carbonation Type: Bottle
Pressure/Weight: 294,10 g
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 21,1 C
Fermentation: Ale, Single Stage
Volumes of CO2: 2,3
Carbonation Used: Bottle with 100 g Corn Sugar
Age for: 30,00 days
Storage Temperature: 18,3 C


Her brukte jeg Malt som jeg fikk av Tore, Grimstad produsert korn - maltet yttaskjærs.
Denne malten var det ikke mye næring i. Jeg endte opp etter å ha dobbeltmesket på 12 Plato.
Tilsatte 1 kg kandisukker, 1 kilo demerara og en kilo druesukker
Jeg skylte i tillegg med for mye vann og måtte koke i 90 minutter

OG endte på 17 Plato

5. feb på morgenen - gjære godt i bøttene
kommer til å tappe over 10 liter i glassdunk og tilsetter 500 g mørk kandisukker
8. feb dunkene har roet seg, målte den ene dunken til 1012 Oechsel
den lille glassdunken blupper fremdeles

1. dunk 20 liter flasket 17.feb 2016 - klar og fin - smaker godt allerede :-)
2. dunk flasket 20. deb 2016
dunk nr 3 på 10 liter med ekstra kadissukker flasket 24. februar - denne smakte godt belgisk men foreløpig en del alkohol smak - skal få stå en stund

090316 testet trykk i liten flaske 11% - litt lite karbonering enda men god pifft v åpning - smakte nokså mye sprit - skal få stå lenge :-)